
A Little About Me

Hi, welcome to Kalani, I’m Sharyn, a qualified NLP practitioner, Kinesiologist, Nutritionist, Homeopath, Quantum Coach and Mentor.

Finding your true self is the key to fulfilment and happiness - and deeply healing what is holding you back is the missing ingredient.  The truth is, you don’t have to stay stuck, sacrifice or sabotage yourself anymore.  There is a new way!

I specialise in abandonment and trauma recovery. This work is deep, and it heals from the core. I am truly devoted to this work, bringing light and awareness into people’s lives and through my signature program “Courage, Tenacity and Strength” and one on one mentoring, we do just that! Together we dive deep into uncharted areas of your story, self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, abandonment, and emotional triggers to dissolve those stubborn blocked areas that are keeping you from finding freedom, tapping into your personal power, and unlocking your true potential.

Over the past 20 years of practice, I have helped hundreds of people discover the true meaning behind their story, ailments, and journey, whether it be mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual. I often say the “problem” is rarely the REAL problem…. And together we take a connected trip of discovery that releases the past and welcomes the future.

Using my own specialised form of kinesiology, neurolinguistics, coaching and mentoring, developed through years of clinical experience, intertwined with intuitive healing, creates long lasting and life changing results, leading to a new outlook and possibilities. The door becomes open! The story of your past doesn’t have to define the story of your future. Identifying the “REAL” reason and having acceptance of it unlocks your true potential to shine. 

Writing your own story and redefining success will be the beginning of a powerful NEW LIFE.  One where hidden potential is unlocked, loving relationships are experienced, freedom to enjoy life outside of work and knowing that the deep fulfilment of following your heart’s desire is the new normal. Living to fulfill someone else’s expectations is in the past, as you experience the new version of you.

I look forward to working with you!

From my heart to yours,


"If you change the way you look at things the thing you look at will change"

My Gift to You

Take a moment for yourself…

You spend so much time taking care of everything else - now it’s your turn.
Breathe deeply and take a listen to one of my mini meditations to recharge your mind.

Bring yourself peace, one breath at a time.

What People Are Saying